
Happy Bday

Today would have been Milton Freidman's 95th birthday. No person has ever been more influential to the concepts of free market economics. The work and life of Milton was to defend liberty and individual freedom. The world could use another voice of clarity like his right now, that's for sure.

"I start…from a belief in individual freedom and that derives fundamentally from a belief in the limitations of our knowledge, from a belief…that nobody can be sure that what he believes is right, is really right.…I’m an imperfect human being who cannot be certain of anything, so what position…involved the least intolerance on my part?…The most attractive position…is putting individual freedom first."

"It’s fortunate that the capitalist society is more productive, because if it were not it would never be tolerated. The bias against it is so great that…it’s got to have a five-to-one advantage in order to survive."

In all situations of life Milton has influenced me to encourage the freedom of choice and support the only thing I truly have control over. My own personal choices. Alright, I'm going to go ride a motorcycle with no helmet now.

"Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned."

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