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I am bullish on the mainstream potential of the Keurig. Good revenue model and I see gloomy eyed caffiene addicts slowly realizing the benefits of having make@home espresso shots to the dome ON DEMAND. Triple shot plz.

I am bullish on coal. Global growth. Energy going up. Lack of a care for environment in large developing economies. Cheapest form of energy? Coal. To get raw materials to the coasts of countries to ship globally what do we use? Railroads. Which run on coal. Careful on this commodity trade as the momentum pendulum swings quick and hard. It 'trends' well. Trade with it. I sold Walter Industries (WLT) at $100 last year to watch it collapse to $10 as the world was imploding. So you may find yourself losing your Home Equity Credit line money you've been gambling with. Just warning.

Hope your weekends filled with many shake weight practice sessions. Take a report.


Anonymous said...

Is the shake weight just a disguised dildo/vib?

NwWlth said...

i think it provides excellent practice for a certain skillset.


Another nice video.

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