
Take some change, get some decent clothes for yourself: AAPL determines Chicago not clean enough to match its flawless design aesthics

Plans for Apple to spend about $1.8 million for work on the exterior of the building at North and Clybourn, and about $2.1 million to reimburse the CTA for design construction management and other construction costs. The CTA will rehab the platform level and station interior, while Apple will do the building exterior work. No word yet on whether your Zunes will be scrambled to a screeching high-pitched tone as they pass through but hey small sacrifice, anything for a little non-fare revenue.

Related: The Corporation

And: My Scene



People wonder why they have ran themselves into the ground. Buy american.


Web Automation iMacros - Finance / Company / Ticker Firefox Macro

K. Going to share today.

Step 1: Use Firefox

Step 2: Use/Download iMacros Add-On. (Tools > Add-Ons > Search for iMacros)

Step 3: Add code below to automate stock analysis process, since the good/relevant info is never all on one site. Edit for your own use, with most important links for your analysis.

PROMPT Enterstocksymbol !VAR1 GOOG
URL GOTO=http://www.zackselite.com/reports/detail.php?sym={{!VAR1}}
URL GOTO=http://www.advfn.com/p.php?pid=financials&btn=s_ok&mode=&symbol={{!VAR1}}&s_ok=OK
URL GOTO=http://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t={{!VAR1}}
URL GOTO=http://www.tradestationfundamental.com/Highlights.asp?ticker={{!VAR1}}
URL GOTO=http://moneycentral.msn.com/detail/stock_quote?Symbol={{!VAR1}}&getquote=Get+Quote
URL GOTO=http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/details?Symbol={{!VAR1}}&Refer=http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/content_stox%3fnext%3dhttps://csweb2w18m3/cgi-bin/preferences
URL GOTO=http://tal.marketgauge.com/phs2/CoRpt.ASP?q={{!VAR1}}&nav=y

Step 4: Makes most sense to add link for macro to toolbar. 


S&P 1100


What now?



As If Life Wasn't Enough Of A Letdown

A brilliant writer and I consider him a 'partner' of NWubsBlog (it'll stick) even though he refuses to link through to a 'raving', (hat tip - hh.) unfocused,  finance-themed site. Probs bitter I write but with none of the talent or worthiness. Has a great read where he makes points for discussing MTV: True Life as means to feel better/more together in his RL and sneaks in a enviable shout-out to the DX clique.

What really irks me is that he propses a poll, puts you on the edge of your seat for the coming decision you will make, and includes no web poll. Just acts like he doesn't get web 2.0 and dropped all the goodwill he built in the port-a-john Get cock-teased here.

OT: Tweaking my firefox add-ons all morning. wrote a powerful macro. Have a relavant to topic blog post in the can almost on it so yall can use as well saves tons of time and really pushes the level of robot automation thought possible up in your browsers, of course if you are of my kind, the kind that knows full well that "stocks are fun". 


USU - Usec Corp. - Go Nuclear

“new, state-of-the-art centrifuge uranium enrichment plant in 2010, and at full production by late 2012. With 30 new nuclear plants in the works, a DOE secured loan imminent for $2B, and a virtual monopoly on the US LEU market”

“USU is the most viable candidate to receive a lions share of $2bln-$4bln worth of Department of Energy loans earmarked for companies that enrich uranium. They are presently the only licensed enrichers of uranium in the United States. They enrich 50% of the uranium used domestically, and 25% of the uranium used world wide. They are presently tapped out of cash having spent every penny developing and proving an enrichment technology that reduces the power consumption of their enrichment process by 95%”

The opportunity: They just got their loan denied by Uncle Sam for the rest of the plant. Go figure, this is exactly not the sort of firm they would support being an alternative energy and a textbook example of American innovation. Glad that we are ‘just trying to make sure the working people get a fair shake in this country’, right?

The Valuation: Had sales last year of 2 billion. It now has customer commitments valued at more than$3.4 billion for the new plant, after Exeleon came to the table with a wet pen for 1.2 billion promptly after the Govnmnt balked. If they get the plant up it doubles their business, either way they have the technology. Now if we start making sense and we are going to see 30 new plants (QUESTION: WILL IT HAPPEN?) this would turn this into an absolute screamer. I have to think that if they were cranking at 8 billion in sales that the margins would expand (say conservative 5% from current 2%) and then you have a company with income of 640 mil a year, at current valuation it would be a 90 dollar stock.  

 NUKE industry friend outlook to the question above: "Do I think we will see new plants, absolutely maybe not 30 but with the amount up for application and the number already scheduled to break ground next year there will definitely be new construction.  As far as reprocessing goes this is technology we developed some time ago and have yet to use it commercially it is currently only used for DOE purposes.  The first commercial reprocessing facility was supposed to open in IL a year ago but clearly that didn't happen.  I believe there was also a reprocessing facility slated to be built somewhere in Texas that was also abandoned before it got going.  The reason for this is simply politics there are organizations spending ridiculous amounts of money trying to stop this from happening which in turn drives production costs up.  France has been using reprocessing for quite some time now without any problems.  The major drawback to reprocessing is that one of the byproducts is weapons grade plutonium.  I think eventually we use reprocessing but we will see new construction at least 5 years before we start reprocessing.  "



Stocks still safe to buy with your Great Aunt's life insurance payout. Next stop has been and continues to be SPX eleven hundo.

Top positions/buys: APAC and the Chicago Blackhawks

Time to try and make a buck w/o hurting myself, epically behind on work matters.


People Bringing Us Down - Part 2

Nick: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/06/xbox-signed-by-sarah-pali_n_311465.html
Sent at 3:25 PM on Tuesday
Nick: http://cgi.ebay.com/Sarah-Palin-Signed-Autograph-XBOX-360_W0QQitemZ160367587544QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games?hash=item2556a730d8
me: zero bids
Nick: 0 Feedback
Sent at 3:27 PM on Tuesday
me: she has like a buffett in front of her in those pics
Nick: she's like Jesus
feeding the people
the masses
Sent at 3:29 PM on Tuesday
me: she is like jesus ur right never really thought of it like that, palin 2012 yall
Nick: she has almost 1 term of being a governor under her belt!!!
and she was raised from the dead on the 3rd day!
Sent at 3:32 PM on Tuesday
me: dude if she wants to run she would raise the $
the polarization in the news media is worst thing for politics and america
far right and far left sells
Nick: well, conservatives love her
and so do stupid people
so BAM instant cash
me: they're both equally wrong
Nick: those are the individuals that donate
the media may mock her for shit like "death panels" but I bet thousands of people nodded their heads in agreement
it's free press!
me: see glenn beck's/that bitch on msnbc ratings
she was the one who started the death panels meme?
shes a meme machine
Nick: Nancy Grace?
she's nuts
me: yup but she prints coin
Nick: but another internet gold mine
I think the secret to success is to figure out what stupid people like and just say crazy shit
then they buy shit from you
me: so you have like 20 million of these ppl in each camp that fuck everything up for all sane people
yeah lets just sell out
well give it a ocuple years of trying to make it legit
and then we will cook up some insane shit to scare suburbia
Nick: sometimes, I think that the left and right work together to fuck shit up
and make money
yeah, I agree
Way to feel the pain bros

Great guitar riff/loop in the chorus